Leomir is a skilled and multitasked professional employee looking for a challenging and responsible role in SACD where my skills, knowledge and experience can be enhanced and utilized effectively. He has been working for SACD in the position of Researcher/Ranger since 2015. Leomir graduated from Muffles Junior College in 2009 with an Associate Degree in Science with Majors in Biology and Environmental Science. He has always envisioned becoming a Marine Biologist as he has a deep passion for marine flora and fauna. He worked as Project Coordinator for the Sarteneja Fishermen Association from 2013 to 2015, helping improve the livelihoods of the Sarteneja fishermen through education and awareness and alternative livelihoods. He looked forward to improve the fisheries conditions of Corozal Bay Wildlife Sanctuary being part of SACD’s team. Recently, he became a certified Tour Guide and completed his certification in Advance Scuba Diving.