SACD is excited to have re-engaged with the Trans-boundary Conservation Partnership Initiative (TCP) along with the counterparts of Mexico (Chetumal Quintana Roo). The effort started in 2015, with the main objective of creating and defining the means and level of collaboration required to strengthen management of the coastal protected areas of the south of Quintana Roo and Northern Belize Coastal Complex to sustainably maintain biodiversity and the goods and services they provide associated with biological processes and long-term physical and biological connectivity, facilitating the sustainable development of this region. Last week Friday 25th, 2017, SACD met with El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR) and the Secretaria de Ecolgia y Medio Ambiente (SEMA) at ECOSUR installations to retake the Trans-boundary initiatives and to discuss possible areas of collaboration in scientific research.